What is the harm to the body by taking regular sleeping pills?

Murshidul Islam

harm to the body by taking regular sleeping pills?

What is the harm to the body by taking regular sleeping pills?
photo: Collected

Long-term diseases are increasing due to physical and mental stress in daily busy life. Along with this, the problem of sleep has also become evident. Many people regularly take sleeping pills to overcome this problem. According to the doctors, various problems of the body are created as a side effect of the medicine.

Many people do not have a clear idea about how harmful the habit of taking sleeping pills is on the body. Let us know, one by one, some of the side effects of taking sleeping pills regularly-

Some side effects of sleeping pills

1. Dizziness, headache

2. diarrhea

3. nausea

4. sleep sleep

5. Allergy problems

6. weight gain

7. memory loss

8. Increased suicide rates

9. Altered thinking, such as hallucinations

10. Drug dependence and addiction

11. Depression

12. Physical complications and respiratory problems

13. Abnormal behavior and speech is another major side effect of sleeping pills.

14. It is not safe to buy sleeping pills without a doctor's prescription. This can lead to premature coma or even death.

Who is forbidden to take sleeping pills?


Experts say sleeping pills should never be given to pregnant women, lactating mothers, low blood pressure, kidney or liver problems and seizure patients.

What are the alternatives to sleeping pills?


It is not a right decision to choose medicine for sleep even for normal people. Experts therefore recommend following alternative methods to solve sleep problems. These are-


1. You should go to sleep at a fixed time every day.

2. Regular physical exercise should be done.

3. Do not sleep during the day.

4. Meditation should be done.

5. Stay away from electronic devices at least half an hour before going to sleep.

6. Avoid smoking or any other intoxicating food.

7. Tea, coffee or any caffeine-rich foods should be avoided after 3pm.

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