Israeli airstrikes in Syria, 36 killed

Murshidul Islam

Israeli airstrikes in Syria

Israeli airstrikes in Syria, 36 killed

 Israel has launched airstrikes in Syria . At least 36 Syrian soldiers were killed. A war monitoring agency reported the information on Friday (March 29) local time. News Times of Israel. 

The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the attack was launched near a rocket depot in Aleppo province under the control of the Lebanese armed group Hezbollah . 

The agency said at least 36 people were killed and dozens injured in the Israeli attack.

Syria's state news agency SANA said civilians and military personnel were killed and wounded in the pre- dawn attack.

Earlier, 13 people were killed in an airstrike in Syria. Among them was a commander with at least 9 pro-Iranians. The attack was launched in eastern Syria on Tuesday (March 26) .

Israel has been trying to attack Syria for the past few years . But they never claim responsibility for these attacks.


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