First time Saudi beauty in Miss Universe pageant

Murshidul Islam

Saudi Arabian beauty in Miss Universe pageant

First time Saudi beauty in Miss Universe pageant

Saudi Arabia is going to enter Miss Universe for the first time, one of the biggest pageants in the Miss Universe pageant.

 27-year-old model, Saudi beauty Rumi Alkahtani is participating in this year's Miss Universe pageant. News Khaleej Times.

Rumi Alkahtani is also famous as an online influencer. Alkahtani has 10 lakh followers on verified account on Instagram.

Alkahtani was announced as Saudi Arabia's representative at Miss Universe on Monday (March 25). 

The young woman made history as the first contestant from conservative Saudi Arabia. 

In a post in Arabic on Instagram, Alkahtani said, 'I am honored to have the opportunity to represent Saudi Arabia at Miss Universe 2024.

 Through this, Saudi Arabia is going to register its name in this prestigious beauty pageant.

Along with the post, Alkahtani, who was born in Riyadh, also attached a picture holding the national flag of Saudi Arabia.

 In the picture, she wore a sparkling gown, crown and sass that read 'Miss Universe Saudi Arabia'.

This is not the first time, Alkahtani has participated in several international beauty pageants before. 

Last few weeks ago she participated in Miss and Mrs Global Asia in Malaysia.

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